Well-coordinated teamwork speaks About Us
We love what we do
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Our working process
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Rahat Since 1950 is an independent entity founded by the brand owners. We are licensed to manufacture and sell baked, unbaked, frozen goods and confectionary products under the name and style of Rahat

and confectionary products.
Registered Trademark
Rahat is a registered trademark and anyone other than the brand owners cannot use the brand name without owning a franchise purchased from the brand owners.

Our Story
Rahat Since 1950 is licensed to manufacture and sell baked, unbaked, frozen goods and confectionary products under the name and style of Rahat.
As a teenager, Chaudhry Ghulam Nabi migrated from Makori, India, to earn a livelihood for his family in Lahore. After leaving his family behind, he worked hard to learn the art of baking from his Uncle’s shop in Lahore. In 1950, with the help of his elder brother Haji Rehmatullah, he started a small pop-up shop named Rahat in Lahore Cantt. Soon, word spread about the impeccable taste and quality of his bakery products that within a few years, Rahat was a household name in the city of Lahore, Pakistan. The pop-up shop expanded into a complete bakery and gradually into several outlets across Lahore. As years passed, the next generations came into the business and Rahat Bakers progressed and expanded to cities all over Pakistan.
The original passion and love for baking remain at the core of everything we do at Rahat today. *With this passion and love, we promise to deliver a taste of home right at the “Rahat” (comfort) of your door in Houston.*

Our Team
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Order a cake to remember forever
Enjoy the sweet treats from Rahat Bakers
Rahat Bakers is a renowned name in Pakistan, synonymous with high-quality baked goods that have stood the test of time. With a commitment to preserving traditional recipes while innovating in the kitchen, we have mastered the craft of producing irresistible baked, unbaked, frozen goods, and confectionery products.
Artisanal Cakes Crafted To Satisfy All Your Cravings
Our legacy is built on a foundation of excellence, passed down through generations, ensuring that each bite is a nostalgic experience. From our signature cakes to our savory pastries. Rahat Bakers is more than just a bakery; it's a tradition of flavor and a testament to Pakistan's rich culinary